Craig Goldman:
Voting with Democrats against Conservatives
Learn the truth about Craig Goldman and how he has sold out the conservative agenda for a career in politics and the establishment donor class in Austin and Washington D.C.
Are you tired of politicians who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk? Look no further than Craig Goldman.
The supposed conservative voice who’s been playing both sides of the fence for far too long. It’s time for Washington D.C. to have a fighter, not a rubber stamp sheep like Craig Goldman.
Learn the truth about Craig Goldman and how he has sold out the conservative agenda for a career in politics and the establishment donor class in Austin and Washington D.C.
It’ s time to shine a light on Craig Goldman’s deceitful tactics and demand better representation for our district. Let’s hold Craig Goldman accountable for his betrayal of conservative values.
Craig Goldman has been pulling the wool over our eyes for far too long. It’s time to peel back the layers and reveal the real agenda behind his cunning maneuvers. Check out his score card rankings below.
F rating from Texans for Fascial Responsibility
54/100 Lifetime Score from Club for Growth
Scored as liberal in 2023 by Rice University Professor Mark Jones’ ideological scoring.
Craig Goldman has a knack for playing both sides of the fence, cozying up to radical Democrats while delaying crucial border security measures. While Washington clamors for action, Craig Goldman is content to let the status quo prevail, all while pretending to be a conservative champion.
By protecting illegal immigrants and voting to kill important measures like SJR 35, Goldman has paved the way for the erosion of our electoral integrity. Goldman's vote to kill SJR 35 is particularly alarming. This measure, if passed, would have safeguarded our elections by preventing Biden's paroled illegal immigrants from participating in Texas elections. His choice to strike down SJR 35 has dealt a severe blow to the rights of lawful Texans.
It's time for Texans to demand accountability and stand up against politicians like Craig Goldman who are putting illegal immigrants before the citizens they were elected to serve.
Crafty Craig's fiscal irresponsibility and woke ideology knows no bounds. Craig Goldman supports the use of taxpayer dollars for gender transitioning of children. He voted against an amendment that would have stopped taxpayer dollars from funding the social transitioning of children. Craig Goldman’s tax payer support of child mutilation have no place in Washington D.C.
Even former President Donald Trump has sounded the alarm on Craig Goldman, labeling him a fool for his actions. Trump's call to disassociate individuals like Craig Goldman from the Republican Party underscores the urgent need for a true conservative alternative.
Craig Goldman’s failure to endorse President Trump in 2024 and his financial support from establishment donors that kept Nikki Haley in the race against President Trump only serves to further cement his status as an establishment lackey.